Fortune Institute of Fashion Technology & Arts

No. 135, 2nd Floor, Dispensary Road, Parallel to Commercial street, MG Road

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Fortune Institute of Fashion Technology & Arts is one of the reputed upcoming fashion institutes in India. We have set out to train youngsters the art of management in fashion, interior, art and designing. Located in Bangalore, we have infrastructures that are up to date. Our objective is to develop the creative skills of students in designing, technicality, and general aspects of trends in the market. We want to teach them to understand the history of clothing, create designs through CAD, and assess quality, develop marketing techniques and business management skills. In short, our objective is to enhance their professional competence so that they have the tool to thrive as professionals in various areas of the industry. We have adopted a curriculum that blends technical, practical and creative aspects of today’s world of fashion. We provide the best learning platform in theory and practice through workshops. We have qualified, experienced staff instructing the students. We always invite guest lecturers and famous names in the fashion industry from time to time to share their experience and offer professional tips to our students. We have short and long term courses. Our certification course is designed to take care of fundamentals of styling business in fashion. We offer unlimited exposure, hands-on experience, and passion oriented courses. We call ourselves the school for stylistas. Register at our institute.

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Fortune Institute of Fashion Technology & Arts

Manjula Ramachander
No. 135, 2nd Floor, Dispensary Road, Parallel to Commercial street, MG Road
Bangalore, 560001
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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